Space Unexplored

We are a minuscule of the creation out there. No one knows how and why it’s there, it’s the unknown and unseen. Even if mankind had managed to go to space and explore we still don’t know a large portion of and about the unending space.

Perspective came to reality when space probes were launched and from paper to orbiting planets. Pioneer launched in 1972 & 1973, Voyager launched in 1977, Cassini launched in 1997, Kepler launched in 2009 and Mars orbiter mission launched in 2013 are some of the successful ones.

Exploration space is said to be endless. There are theories to prove the states and components behind planets and the dark matter but still no answer for, why, when, why? There are numerous other galaxies out there and might have life on them that thrive humans to explore the colossal space.

To observe this beautiful mystery about the origin of everything ‘Space Exploration Day’ is marked on the 20th of July. This day is celebrated in respect of the role, history, significance, and the persistent efforts by NASA for the human race, past, present, and future. This day is very special because in 1969 ‘Neil Armstrong’ and ‘Edwin Aldrin’ were the first-ever humans to step on the surface of the moon, making something that never was believed to happen before coming to reality.

Space is still explored and the percentage to be seen, analyzed, and understand is more than we know now. But the unexplored space keeps us going in the hope to get the answer we are searching for: Why we here, When did this happen, and What was the reason behind it?



EnR Consultancy Services

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